Friday, November 18, 2005

Truste's Trusted Downloads Program

Truste announced a new program to keep adware vendors in line. Joris Evers has a good article about it on

If anyone can do it, Truste would be the one. They have a good reputation and good intentions and they are hoping to keep adware vendors in line with their new Trusted Downloads certification program for adware downloads. The issue, though, will be enforcement. How does any certification body make sure that, once certified, apps comply with the letter of the law, never mind the spirit?

Apps change their features or implementation of features and that includes adware applications as well as the ad networks that serve 'em up. There are multiple links in the chain and all of them need to be monitored to ensure compliance.

Truste is on the right track, but the only way they'll be able to make the program work is to include a technology component to help with the monitoring. Unfortunately, there is no silver bullet to stop adware and spyware.

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