Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Zango v. Kapersky = win


Off the ASC mailing list. Basically, it's a big win for anti-spyware software publishers, as the judgment indicates that anti-spyware software publishers are free to categorize software as they see fit, as that behavior is protected by statute.

The solution for spyware vendors is obvious: CHANGE YOUR SOFTWARE/PRACTICES.

Monday, August 20, 2007

The true effect of Windows Update

This one is too good to keep.

Apparently Skype is claiming that their recent outage was due to a lack of network resources prompted by lots of people rebooting their PCs at once after a windows update. Skype's network had previously been though to be resilient to attacks due to the distributed nature of the network, but it seems like the old adage "It works better if you turn it on" is applicable here.

Skype's comment on the situation is here. Looks like this situation also brought to light a previously unknown bug in their network resource allocation algorithm, so finding and fixing the bug might be a silver lining to all the abuse they've taken over the outage.

Yes, I know, this isn't strictly spyware-related, but I consider update-related issues to be relevant, as most of the patches distributed by Windows Update are security fixes.